Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay
Naboso Splay

Naboso Splay

★★★★★ (61)
Sale price$40.00
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The modern world demands that we go through the world in mostly close-toed shoes. While these protect our feet, they also inhibit their natural range of motion - particularly our toes. Over time this can lead to discomfort, blisters and even injuries if not addressed in time. 

The all-new Naboso Splay help restore a natural range of motion to your toes, improve foot function and recover your feet. 

Recommended for: 

  • Stretching and releasing the toes after long hours in shoes 
  • Supporting natural toe alignment for hammertoes and bunions
  • Improving foot splay which can minimize neuroma pain
  • Stretching the plantar fascia and minimizing plantar fasciitis or arch pain
  • Anyone looking for healthy foot alignment  

Improvements on our NEW Splay include: 

  • Higher quality material 
  • Easier to clean 
  • More resilient / longer lasting 
  • Widened hallux strap to improve comfort 
  • Beautifully branded 

We recommend starting 30 minutes a day then gradually increase time based on comfort.  Can be worn in shoes such as natural shaped or wide toe boxes footwear.

Wash frequently and carefully remove from feet to extend life of product   

Each pack includes:   1 pair of toe spacers each with small carrying bag + video series with programming 

*One size fits all foot sizes*

Why Naboso?


Optimized stimulation allows the brain to better control body movement


Designed to uniquely stimulate the nerves in the bottom of the feet


Improving our posture, movement, and performances starts at the ground

A texture that works as hard as you do.

The first-ever proprioceptive surface that is ideal for facility use and is intended for enhancing muscle activation, movement prep and human performance


Join the movement #FromTheGroundUp

With healthy feet as our foundation, we're on a journey to optimize movement from the ground up. Are you ready to join us?

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